Born in Assisi, (Italy) in 1987 currently enrolled at Moving Image Master, IUAV University Venice, achieved in 2019 a Master ( Meisterschüler ) in “Artistic spacial and body concept” by Andree Korpys e Marcus Löffler. Nel 2018 achieved an Art Diploma in “advanced ideas of filmic spaces and conceptual photography” by Rosa Barba (University of the Arts Bremen). In 2011 achieved a Bachelor degree in International Relations, at the University of Perugia, Italy. Thesis on Political Philosophy. Since 2016 is helder of Cusanuswerk foundation scholarship. Eugeni was awarded with the "Karin Hollweg Preis 2019".
Nata ad Assisi nel 1987, attualmente risiede a Venezia, frequenta il Master Moving Images allo IUAV. Consegue nel 2019 un Master in “Artistic spatial and body concept” nella classe di Andree Korpys e Marcus Löffler, Accademia di belle arti di Brema, Germania. Nel 2018 consegue il Diploma in “advanced ideas of filmic spaces and conceptual photography” nella classe di Rosa Barba. Nel 2011 consegue la laurea in Relazioni Internazionali all'Università degli Studi di Perugia, tesi di laurea in Filosofia politica. Dal 2016 è titolare di una borsa di studio della fondazione Cusanuswerk. Eugeni è stata premiata con il "Karin Hollweg Preis 2019".
1987 In Assisi geboren, zurzeit nimmt Eugeni den Master in Moving Images an der Venedig Universität Venedig teil. Luisa Eugeni erhielt in 2019 ihr Meisterschülerstudium in “Künstlerische Raum- und Körperkonzepte” in der Klasse von Andree Korpys und Marcus Löffler, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Bremen. Im Jahr 2018 graduierte sie in der Klasse von Rosa Barba im Fach “Erweiterte Ideen filmischer Räume und konzeptuelle Fotografie”. Im Jahr 2011 schloss sie ihr Studium der Internationalen Beziehungen, Abschlussarbeit in Politischer Philosophie, an der Universität Perugia. Seit 2016 ist sie Stipendiatin der Stiftung Cusanuswerk. Eugeni wurde mit dem "Karin Hollweg Preis 2019" ausgezeichnet.
► 2020, Bremen, Kunsthalle, “SOMA” ► 2018, Bremen, Arbeitnehmerkammer, Galerie im Foyer, “De Tranquillitate animi” ► 2018, Isola del Liri, Italy, Teatro Stabile, “Serenità, stasi, movimento e caos” ► 2017, Bremen, Schauburg Cinema, III film-festival Bremen, Premiere “Film-expansion”, supported by Bremen Theatre and Filmbüro ► 2017,Guangzhou, Guangzhou Book Center, “POPOLARE”organised by Art CO-OP EduLab ► 2016, Bremen, Kultur Bunker, „Cher“ Film Premiere ► 2014, Germany – Bremen, Immigration Office Gallery, “What´s left”
► 2020, Gera, Germany, Neuen Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, “Anders – Ästhetik der Differenz” ► 2019, Djerba, Houmt Souk, (Tunesien) International Media Festival, “Seedjerba”, site specific installation ► 2019, Bremen, Weserburg, Museum for modern art, Bremen, “ ¯\_(ϑ)_/¯ ” Meisterschülerinnen 2019 ► 2019, Wismar, City hall, light intervention, “lichtcampus” ► 2018, Como, (Italy), Chiostrino Artificio, “Aduevoci”, philosophy und music festival “aduevoci” ► 2017, Palermo, Cafe internazionale / Roma, The Independent MaXXi, museum of xxi century arts, “Counter-production” summer-school and action-intervention ► 2017, Bremen, GAK, Gesellschaft für aktuelle Kunst, “von seitenlinien” ► 2017, Bremen, Galerie für Gegenwartskunst – Barbara Claassen-Schmal, “Bleiche 21” ► 2017, Bremen, Schwankhalle, “#17 How to build a structure to be alive inside?”,collective performance curated by Every Oceans Huges (Emily Roysdon) ► 2016, Halle, Burg gallery in Volkspark, “Kunsthoch 46” ► 2015, Berlin, UDK, university of the arts Berlin, “Kunsthoch 43“ ► 2014, Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Alexander Hall, “exex”
2019 Hollweg Prize, together with Mattia Bonafini
2016-2021 Cusanuswerk foundation scholarship holder
2014 DAAD scholarship, University of Guelph, Canada
► 2023 Fabriano, Italy, Fedrigoni foundation
► 2021 Formine, Italy, Formine-verein
► 2017 Guangzhou, China, Art co-op foundation
► 2021, Hybrid Museum of the Neighbourhood - artistic collaboration for a virtual museum at the Jakobs University Campus, with augmented reality technologies and historical contents. Initiated and led by Dr. Professor Jakob Fruchtmann. Eugeni designed the aesthetic concept for the museum, the apps and the several media present, in collaboration with designers Leonard Rokita and Clemens Gensch, and historian Rüdiger Ritter.
► 2019, founder of the multimedia artistic collaboration (with composer Mattia Bonafini), Gabrio Gabrielli (dancer), Anna Jäger (dancer), Anke Peters (photography), Dominik Schindler (mathematician), Antonio Stella (actor and dancer), Simone Zoppellaro (writer and journalist), under the group name Sineumbra. Eugeni currently leads and coordinates the group.
► 2019, Venice, German Pavilion, 58th Art Biennale (Italy) Part of coordination team for the summer school “Beyond Repair”, in collaboration with Natascha Süder Happelmann, Ernest Ah, Biennale Urbana, Mona Schieren and Ingo Vetter
► 2019, Venice, Lithuanian Pavilion, 58th Art Biennale, participation at Sea & Sun (Marina) Performance
► 2018, Sicily – Vienna – Bremen – Coordination and conceptual co-development of an interdisciplinary research project between sculpture class of Professor Vetter (HFK Bremen) and architecture students of the Academy of art in Vienna, “Six Characters in search of an Author”