Das stehende sein
Multimedia OperaLuisa Eugeni and Mattia Bonafini(Multichannel Video-Audio Installation, Mirrors, Objects, live Performances) The multimedia installation is a socially critical examination of today's developments, echoed in Forster's visionary text, The machine stops, from which the Opera takes inspiration. The libretto, a kind of metatext, was written by the mathematician Dominik Schindler, combined with quotes from the philosopher Slavoj Žižež, in Greek.
Libretto: Dominik Schindler
Performance inVideo: Antonio Stella, Gabrio Gabrielli, Alexandra Llorens, Anna Jäger, Asavela & Nobule Gabrielli, Renate Neumann
Live Performance: Anna Jäger, Susanna Janke
Video: Luisa Eugeni
Music: Mattia Bonafini
Costumes: Sarah Frede