Short film produced in 2018, blending elements of documentary and fiction, directed by Luisa Eugeni. “I will never forget”  explores anthropological themes such as collective memories and the value of oral communication, through a series of personal stories from people collected in China during the summer of 2017. Simultaneously, in a fictional chemistry laboratory setting in Germany, small images of these same individuals undergo chemical processes, transforming into resin glass. How do we build stories? Can we trust our memory? What happens when the memory is shared?

The short film delves into the various ways memory operates, highlighting that each narrative represents only one perspective among many. Memories are fluid and subject to constant rearrangement, reflecting the multifaceted nature of human identity. The desire to capture moments, akin to objects, underscores humanity's innate urge to contemplate, analyze, and pass on experiences. 

Zhe Wang served as the production assistant and also provided music for the film, which combines original music with concert recording excerpts by the Central Ensemble for Traditional Chinese Music and by "Drums of Yunnan." 

Mattia Bonafini contributed as the supervising sound editor and audio mastering specialist. The text for the film was extracted from "Shanzhai" by Byung-Chul Han.

Special thanks are extended to Bojana, Irene, Sabine, Raphael, Felix, and all the individuals encountered in Wuxi, Suzhou, Shangri-la, Lijang, and Guangzhou.